@article{oai:tsc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002060, author = {牛腸, ヒロミ and 筒井, 知己 and 佐藤, 美雪 and ゴチョウ, ヒロミ and ツツイ, トモミ and サトウ, ミユキ and GOCHO, HIROMI and TSUTSUI, TOMOMI and SATO, MIYUKI}, journal = {聖徳栄養短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), Inverse gas chromatography was used to determine retention volumes for several probes on wool. These probes were terpenoids; β-pinene, phellandrene, limonene, linalool, citral and 1-carvone, which were useful as raw materials for flavors and fragrances. The retention volumes of all systems were linearly related with sample size. This fact indicated a weak interaction between wool and probe molecules. The limiting retention volumes increased with increasing the polarity of probes and depended on the type of functional groups.}, pages = {17--21}, title = {羊毛の吸着特性 : (2)テルペン化合物の吸着性}, volume = {22}, year = {1991} }