@article{oai:tsc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002095, author = {牛腸, ヒロミ and 佐藤, 美雪 and ゴチョウ, ヒロミ and サトウ, ミユキ and GOCHO, HIROMI and SATO, MIYUKI}, journal = {聖徳栄養短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), Two kinds of artificially soiled cloths prepared from the organic solvent menthod and the aqueous dispersion one were utilized in these experiments. The artificially soiled cloths were washed with household detergents (T, A and PA) by a household washing machine. The behavior of soil removal depended on the sort of artificially soiled doths. The change of detergency with detergent cocentration suggested that the redeposition of dirt after its removal from a substrate would make a contribution to the decrease of reflectance.}, pages = {46--49}, title = {洗浄力評価に及ぼす人工汚染布の影響}, volume = {24}, year = {1993} }