@article{oai:tsc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002224, author = {筒井, 知己 and 金井, 節子 and 牛腸, ヒロミ and 小見山, 二郎 and ツツイ, トモミ and カナイ, セツコ and ゴチョウ, ヒロミ and コミヤマ, ジロウ and TSUTSUI, TOMOMI and KANAI, SETSUKO and GOCHO, HIROMI and KOMIYAMA, JIRO}, journal = {聖徳栄養短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), Physical properties of wheat flour replaced with 0.5 to 1.5 % of seaweed Ulva pertusa (WFRS) and baking properties of them were estimated. Water absorption capacity of WFRS increased gradually as seaweed level increased. Among the bread made from WFRS, the bread made from wheat flour replaced with 0.5% of seaweed showed better loaf volume and also showed better sensory evaluation score. Electronic nose analysis concurred with sensory descriptor ratings.}, pages = {1--6}, title = {海藻の製パンへの影響 : (IV)あおさ}, volume = {34}, year = {2003} }