@article{oai:tsc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002226, author = {橋場, 浩子 and 根本, 勢子 and 高木, 史恵 and ハシバ, ヒロコ and ネモト, セイコ and タカギ, フミエ and HASHIBA, HIROKO and NEMOTO, SEIKO and TAKAGI, FUMIE}, journal = {聖徳栄養短期大学紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {P(論文), The effects of trehalose was studied on the properties of rice flour muffins where 5 to 15% of trehalose (flour basis) was added and sugar was adjusted to give the same sweetness. The volume of muffins tended to increase as trehalose level increased. Trehalose lowerd water activity and improved storage property. Hardness of muffins increased during storage but T-10 muffin was softer than other rice flour muffins after 96hr of storage. Evaluating muffins by pair test, the taste of T-10 was significantly prefered to that of T-0.}, pages = {13--17}, title = {米粉マフィンの性状に及ぼすトレハロースの影響}, volume = {34}, year = {2003} }